Heidi Timm-Bijold
Business Development & Project Management Services
Heidi is a subject-matter expert in brownfield redevelopment
Heidi Timm-Bijold recognized with Mac Hyde Award

The Mac Hyde Leadership Award celebrates innovation, collaboration and exemplary results in revitalizing formerly contaminated land. Heidi has been honored with this prestigious award for her roles in projects such as Clyde Iron Works and Pier B Resort Hotel.
Maclay “Mac” Hyde (1934-2013) was a pioneering environmental law attorney and real estate developer of polluted, often abandoned brownfield sites. He was an inspiration and a mentor to many in the field of brownfield redevelopment and environmental law.
For several years after his passing, his legacy was remembered at Minnesota Brownfields’ annual ReScape Awards event through the Mac Hyde Leadership Award. More recently, the ReScape Awards event honors him through the Mac Hyde Brownfields Scholarship.
Minnesota Brownfields' mission is to promote the efficient cleanup and reuse of contaminated land as a means of generating economic growth, strength-ening communities and enabling sustainable land use and development. This 501(c)(3) non-profit organization accomplishes its mission through education, research and partnerships.

Heidi is serving her second term as a board member of Minnesota Brownfields.

Field work near the St. Louis River Corridor
Heidi manages complex, multi-faceted projects
I have worked with Heidi on numerous brownfields redevelopment, environmental site management, and grant-seeking efforts in the City of Duluth since 2004. Our first effort together was writing a winning State of Minnesota Brownfields Assessment grant for a project in Duluth.
Heidi is a collaborator. She pulls together teams and individuals to get things done. Excelling in taking on complex and often multifaceted projects, Heidi builds strong teams to frame steps and solutions, she then does some of her best work selling and advocating for the solutions or directions that the team has framed. Heidi is a strong advocate for her clients. Her persistence and diligence in chasing down the details and getting the decisions needed to move projects forward is her hallmark.
In our 15 years of working through challenging administrative, financial or technical issues on projects, I have been lucky to have her as a partner in getting things done. A testament to her dogged determination in helping her clients get their projects accomplished is the fact that many of the same business people come back to her for assistance with their next projects. She has worked on award winning projects like the Clyde Iron Works redevelopment site that won a Minnesota Brownfields ReScape Award. It is fitting that that award was in the category of community building, as that reflects how Heidi works---community and team building.
Key words that describe Heidi and her professional accomplishments are positive, problem-solving, persistence, articulate, a good editor and effective grant writer, strategic and fun to work with on a team.
Eric Dott
Vice President
Barr Engineering
Heidi drives projects to completion
Heidi has been a colleague for over thirty years and is an expert in brownfield redevelopment. Heidi drives projects to completion and creates momentum for new development.
Nancy Norr
Director, Regional Development
Minnesota Power